- Vilonia School District
- Program Overview
Gifted and Talented
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Program Overview
The Vilonia School District offers a program in grades kindergarten through twelve for those students who have been identified as having needs above and beyond what the curriculum in the regular classroom offers. The major goal of the school district is to respond to the unique needs and characteristics of these particular students. Support from the administration, parents, and community contributes to successfully reaching this goal.
From kindergarten through second grade, at both the Primary and Elementary campuses, students receive forty minutes of whole group enrichment with the gifted and talented specialists. In these classes, the focus is on the Primary Education Thinking Skills Curriculum, often referred to as P.E.T.S. The specialists will also incorporate some STEM-based problem-solving activities and teacher-created lessons throughout the year. The enrichment classes help us gather important information that will be used in the future to identify students who have a need for services in the pull-out GT classrooms, often referred to as GT resource rooms.
Grades three through six are taught in pull-out or resource classes for a minimum of 150 minutes per week. The schedules vary significantly depending on which grade and/or campus the students attend. In the pull-out classes, the focus is on problem- solving activities and higher order thinking exercises. We incorporate creativity and the use of technology into our lessons frequently. There will be units of study offered in the GT setting that are different in content, process, and product from what they are exposed to in the regular classroom. Ms. Eubanks is the specialist for 4th and 6th grade and Ms. Bagwell provides services for the 5th grade students at FMIS. Ms. Eubanks teaches the 3rd grade resource room at the Elementary and Mrs. Millsap teaches the 3rd grade resource room at VPS.
All 7th-12th grade students are currently served in our district through a combination of advanced (formerly called pre-AP), accelerated, AP, and concurrent college courses. It is recommended to all GT students that they enroll in one or more of these classes as this is their way of receiving GT services. Parents are encouraged to have meaningful conversations with their children each year as they plan out their schedules and help students choose the type of classes that are best suited for their individual needs. If you need assistance in this process or have questions about what is best for your child, please reach out to Mrs. Millsap about your concerns.
Students are given numerous opportunities for competitions throughout the year, such as Spelling Bee, Quiz Bowl, and Chess tournaments. Students are also given the opportunity to participate in Beta Club, field trips, and Writers in the Schools.